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Open Access publishing: Who pays the fees?

Open Access means research outputs are freely available online for anyone to view. Publishing access will bring your research and accomplishments to the attention of a broader audience making you more visible in your field.

The University of Auckland has several Open Access Publishing Agreements for 2023, including those with major publishing companies such as SAGE, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, and Elsevier. Your publication gets all the editorial support, visibility, and yes, prestige of major scholarly publishers but it is not locked behind a paywall.

You have access to these agreements if you are University of Auckland staff or a research student with an email address. The agreements allow you to publish open access articles in selected journals, and the cost of the article processing charge (APC) is prepaid by the University.

Check out the ResearchHub for more information, including an A-Z list of all the journals included in our agreements so you can find those best suited for publishing your article.

If your journal is not included in an Open Access Publishing Agreement, you can still make your article open access without paying an APC by depositing a copy of your article into ResearchSpace: The University of Auckland Research Repository.

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