The Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries and Learning Services interloan system, Rapido, aims to provide seamless, simplified access to available collections and resources from other libraries and institutions around the world.
How do I search for items?
Simply search the Library Catalogue.
If the item is not within our collection, you will be prompted to “expand your search” to view further items/resources available for you to request
See how to use our interloan system with this video: Get started with Interlibrary Loans.
How do I request items?
- If the item you are looking for is discovered, you can select “get it from other libraries” to view an expected delivery time for your item.
- If your item is not discovered within the expanded search, our friendly interloan team are able to action a further search on your behalf.
- To expedite this search please provide us with as much citation detail as possible when completing the request form.
- In both instances, once the copyright is accepted, a notification will state that your request has been accepted, meaning it is now in progress.
(Please note: If your library account is blocked you will not be offered any options to request items by interloan).
How do I know what is happening to my request?
The status of your accepted request will be visible from within your library account, providing you with up-to-date information on the progression of your interloan request.
How are items delivered to me?
- Physical items will be issued to your library account and available for pickup from the library help desk you chose in your request.
- Digital items will be delivered via email.
- There is no change in delivery methods if you are eligible for the Click and Deliver service.
How do I return items delivered to me?
Return physical items via the return slots at any of our libraries.
Provide feedback
Since the upgrade to our new interloan system on Wednesday 15 November, Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries and Learning Services would like to hear feedback on your experience.